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- Biochemistry (Biol Sci 301)
- Bioinformatics: Sequence & Structure Analysis (Biol Sci 323)
- Special Topics (IBiS 455)
- Biochemistry (DGP 401)
- Introduction to Pharmacology (DGP 420)
- Topics in Drug Discovery (DGP 425)
- Receptors and Signaling Mechanisms (DGP 435)
- Structural Basis for Signal Transduction (DGP 466)
- Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis (DGP 480)
- Thermodynamics (Chem 342-1)
- Medicinal Chemistry: Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Action (Chem 316/415)
- Organic Spectroscopy ( Chem 411)
- Structural Inorganic Chemistry (Chem 433)
- Kinetics and Spectroscopy (Chem 443)
- Elementary Statistical Mechanics (Chem 444)
Chemical & Biological Engineering
- Introduction to Polymers (ChBE 361)
- Advanced Thermodynamics (ChBE 404)
- Applied Molecular Modeling (ChBE 451)
- Computational Biology (ChE 379)
- Fundamentals of Neuroscience (NUIN 401)
- Great Experiments in Cellular Neurophysics (NUIN 411)
- Instrumentation for Neuroscience (NUIN 455)
- Cellular and Molecular Basis of Information Storage (NUIN 470)
- Introduction to Statistical Mechanics (Phys 416)
- Statistical Physics (Phys 420)